Recipes I Live by As a College Student, And You Should Too.

Written by Morgan Perry

College is a great place to try new things, and cooking can be one of them! I started cooking at home and wanted to expand my repertoire of recipes. These are great to try when you’re not feeling the dining hall or want to cook more in your apartment.

Japanese Curry

This Japanese Curry recipe is hearty and incredibly flavorful. One box usually makes 4 servings for me. You can use any meat and veggie combo, add potatoes to be more filling, and serve over white rice or udon noodles. I’ve also done curry and meatballs and it’s a delicious combo.

My dinner


  • Golden Curry sauce mix
  • Lean ground turkey (can use beef or chicken)
  • Season salt and pepper
  • Veggie mix- carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower
  • water
  • olive oil (for browning meat and stir-frying veggies
  • Instant white rice
  1. Add oil to pan (more for lower fat content of meat) and add the ground turkey. Add season salt and pepper to turkey. Use spoon to bread up the crumbles.
  2. Drain meat and set aside.
  3. Clean pan and re-ad oil. Cook veggies to soften, then add turkey.
  4. Use box instructions to find how much water to add to the pan based on serving size. Bring water to a boil, then allow it to simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Depending on serving size, break curry into pieces and add to pan. Let it fully dissolve into water. Cook an extra five minutes.
  6. Serve over white rice or noodles and enjoy!

Sweet and Sour Meatballs

This Asian dish is easy to make and recreates your favorite Chinese takeout. Meatballs can be handmade, but I use frozen beef ones to save money and time. I usually cook two servings at a time for one day of leftovers.


  • Bag of frozen meatballs
  • Pineapple juice
  • Canned pineapple chunks
  • soy sauce
  • rice vinegar
  • Ketchup
  • Brown Sugar
  • Corn Starch
  • White Rice
  • Cup and tablespoon measurements
  1. Cook meatballs and set aside.
  2. In a pot, add 1-2 cups of pineapple juice, soy sauce, rice vinegar. ketchup, and brown sugar. Let it simmer.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the remaining pineapple juice with corn starch. Add it to the pot.
  4. Let sauce thicken. Drain pineapple chunks.
  5. When sauce has desired thickness, add pineapple chunks and meatballs.
  6. Let if simmer for another minute and then serve over white rice.
  7. Tip: If you want a more sour taste than sweet, add more vinegar and less pineapple juice.

Teriyaki Noodles

This is probably my favorite recipe that I’ve made. Homemade teriyaki noodles are so good that they will rival your local Chinese takeout. I use chow mien, but ramen, lo mien, and even spaghetti noodles can work. I add veggies and a protein to make the meal more hearty.


  • Protein- ground turkey (what I used), chicken, shrimp, tofu
  • Chow mien
  • broccoli- fresh or frozen. If frozen, heat it up and add in with the meat
  • Soy sauce
  • Light brown sugar
  • Cornstarch
  • Ground ginger
  • Season salt and pepper- ground meat seasoning
  • Olive oil
  • Minced garlic
  1. Boil noodles following box instructions. Drain and set aside.
  2. In a small bowl, combine soy sauce, brown sugar, cornstarch, and ground ginger. Stir well to make sure sugar doesn’t settle.
  3. Add oil to the pan and minced garlic. Let it sauté for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Add the sauce to a pan. I also add chopped carrots at the same time to soften. Let the sauce thicken for 3-5 minutes.
  5. When the sauce is thick, add the noodles and toss them around to coat them. Add chopped meat and broccoli. Mix

Bagel Breakfast Sandwich

A bagel sandwich has many variations. I like to make mine veggie based with cheese. This is good for non-dairy diets.


  • Everything bagel
  • 1 egg
  • Olive oil to cook egg
  • 1 slice of non-dairy cheese (Daiya, Chao, Violife, Follow Your Heart)
  • Spinach
  • 1 slice of tomato
  1. Toast or microwave bagel. Set aside
  2. Add oil to pan and cook egg. Slightly scramble into an “egg patty.”
  3. Shred spinach into pieces and cut a thin slice of tomato. Add on top of egg.
  4. Put slice of cheese over and allow it to melt and blend into egg.
  5. Use a spatula to move egg patty onto bagel and enjoy!

penne alla vodka in a bowl

Penne Ala Vodka and Meatballs

This dish was born from my desire to get rid of my extra meatballs and jarred vodka sauce. Penne ala vodka and meatballs is a flavorful, easy dish more flavorful than your average spaghetti. To top it off, I sprinkle some parley seasoning on top for an herbal taste and Michelin star presentation.

  • Vodka sauce
  • Frozen meatballs
  • Penne pasta
  • water
  • strainer
  1. Preheat oven and put meatballs on baking sheet. Bake them for about 10-15 minutes.
  2. In a pan, cook noodles.
  3. Pour noodles into a strainer, leaving a little pasta water in the pot, and set the strainer aside.
  4. Lower heat and allow vodka sauce to simmer in pan. Add meatballs.
  5. When the sauce is hot, add the noodles back in.

Scrambled egg Tacos

This breakfast is an easy and delicious way to add variety to your eggs in the morning. I use two 4-inch tortillas or cut an 8-inch tortilla in half for two egg tacos. You can add whatever toppings you want, like spinach, bacon bits, or sausage.

  • Tortillas- 4 inch or 8 inch
  • Two eggs
  • Shredded cheese
  • Spinach
  • Olive oil
  1. Heat tortilla and set aside (in microwave or pan)
  2. Crack eggs in a pan on medium-high heat. Top with cheese shreds and veggie toppings.
  3. Lightly scramble eggs so that they’re fluffy but not runny.
  4. Use a spatula to move eggs from pan to tortillas.

Burrito Bowls

I make these the most at my dining hall, but they’re also easy to make in your dorm kitchen. Pre-cooked diced chicken is good to use to save time and allows for no heat instructions. I also prefer browning ground turkey for a low-fat option.


  • Chicken (pre-cooked) or lean ground turkey
  • Shredded lettuce
  • Pico de gailo
  • Guacamole
  • Black beans or pinto
  • Jalapenos
  • Salsa
  • Rice (seasoned, white, brown)
  1. Brown meat or heat up chicken
  2. Cook rice. You can add a seasoning mixture for flavor.
  3. Mix all other ingredients and enjoy!

Butter Chicken

Indian food has been one of my go-to meals over the years, from Lidl frozen butter chicken back home to the restaurant Cholanad on campus. Here’s a simple version you can make easily in your dorm kitchen.


  • Defrosted chicken breast
  • Butter chicken sauce
  • Rice
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion powder
  • Season salt
  1. Season the chicken with garlic powder, onion powder, and season salt. Set the chicken aside and allow seasoning to marinate for 3 hours to a day.
  2. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake chicken for 20 minutes.
  3. When the bake time has 5 minutes left, add sauce to a pan and allow it to simmer.
  4. Dice cooked chicken and add it to the pan.
  5. Serve over white rice and enjoy!


The Japanese curry and sweet and sour meatballs are images of meals I made myself. The rest are online images.

I usually make enough for two portions which are two dinner meals. I divide online serving sizes by 2 or 3 to achieve this. Leftovers can be put in bags or Tupperware in the freezer to last longer.

I like to re-use a meat source in multiple dishes to save money and not waste food. For example, I have used the same pack of frozen meatballs for Japanese Curry, sweet and sour dish, and spaghetti.

All of these require a frying pan with a lid. Pasta needs a strainer. Anything with sauce and mixing needs a giant spoon. I use a spatula for eggs.

A good way to spend less money on groceries and use the swipes on your meal plan is to “shop” for ingredients in the dining hall. I get spinach, black beans, and sometimes cooked chicken from the salad bar to use in my recipes.

You can make alfredo and tikka masala sauce using whole ingredients. I prefer to buy them already made in jars to save money.

Some of these can be made lactose-intolerant or vegan-friendly by swiping out dairy ingredients for non-dairy alternatives. I’m lactose intolerant myself, so I use non-dairy cheese slices and shredded cheese in my recipes.